Tuesday, May 18, 2010


NAET has changed my dog's life! NAET stands for Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Techniques. It is testing and treatment of allergies for people, but can also be used for dogs. Like I said before, I heard about this from my coworker because she has the training to do it. I put the link below for you to read for yourself about it but the best way I can describe it is to just tell you how the testing and treatment works from my point of view.

I have been taking my guy to see my friend for about a year now and he has been tested and treated for several allergies. I found that he had an allergy to: eggs, feathers, smoke, grass, trees, flowers, pollen, turkey, beef, fish oil, carpet cleaner, laundry soap, and etc. He was treated for almost all of the above things that he is allergic to and can now have those things again!

Check out this website! It is fascinating!


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